DCS Internship Program
Start Your Fitness Career With Focus
Max 5 Places Available at Any Time
We are looking to create greatness in the fitness industry.
Currently the system is set up to do one of two things. Either create trainers who get their qualification and then, once in front of real clients, have no experience and therefore feel instantly out of their depth as they don’t know how to tailor their service to the individual needs of the person in front of them to give them a high quality service that builds their reputation. Alternatively it produces trainer that have no idea how to develop their reputation or market themselves so they never get a client base to work with.
If you are serious about becoming a positive influential figure in the health and fitness industry in a highly professional, high quality, training facility, learning a huge array of assessment, training, coaching, marketing and development procedures whilst working out your unique path within the industry, then the program we are offering to a very select group of individuals just might be for you.
It MIGHT Be For You
I Can’t Promise That It WILL
I can’t guarantee that if you apply you will be selected to come on board for the programme, but if you are selected, then this is an opportunity that could, quite literally, change your life.
Before I explain how, I will point out that, this won’t cost you anything. We are looking for your drive and your passion for the industry not your money. That, being said you will be asked to put aside a minimum of 6 months to complete your internship. You will not be employed or on a salary, but there is a strong chance to build yourself a role in our facility and the earning potential then is HUGE. You will be asked to become extremely skilled and knowledgeable in many aspects of the industry, from nutrition, postural analysis, movement patterns, exercise techniques, psychological coaching, hormonal barriers, as well as marketing techniques and skill sets, building your own story and niche, the general skills of running a gym, the difference between coaching a group and individuals, unique (not gimmicky) approaches to delivering higher quality services and most importantly, finding your true passion within the industry to allow you to carve your place and own it.
Your current qualification level is of no relevance. If you have no qualifications, it makes no difference and if you prove yourself through this internship we will put you through your formal qualifications and cover either part or all of the costs involved.
It MIGHT Be For You
I Can’t Promise That It WILL
I can’t guarantee that if you apply you will be selected to come on board for the programme, but if you are selected, then this is an opportunity that could, quite literally, change your life.
Before I explain how, I will point out that, this won’t cost you anything. We are looking for your drive and your passion for the industry not your money. That, being said you will be asked to put aside a minimum of 6 months to complete your internship. You will not be employed or on a salary, but there is a strong chance to build yourself a role in our facility and the earning potential then is HUGE. You will be asked to become extremely skilled and knowledgeable in many aspects of the industry, from nutrition, postural analysis, movement patterns, exercise techniques, psychological coaching, hormonal barriers, as well as marketing techniques and skill sets, building your own story and niche, the general skills of running a gym, the difference between coaching a group and individuals, unique (not gimmicky) approaches to delivering higher quality services and most importantly, finding your true passion within the industry to allow you to carve your place and own it.
Your current qualification level is of no relevance. If you have no qualifications, it makes no difference and if you prove yourself through this internship we will put you through your formal qualifications and cover either part or all of the costs involved.
We also provide mentored courses to gain your Active IQ certification at our facility. So if you feel the internship is not for you and you’d rather just pay the course fees to achieve your qualifications, we can provide this at an extremely low cost and there may well be a place for you at our facility at the end of it.
Click for more details
This program was developed as the current system of qualification gathering in this industry is failing to deliver the quality of service I believe should be available
Too many clients, gym members or just people with drive and a goal are being short changed in their efforts. This is predominantly due to the majority of those in the industry looking more to how much they can get from them financially than how much they can assist them in pursuit of their goals

This program was developed as the current system of qualification gathering in this industry is failing to deliver the quality of service I believe should be available
Too many clients, gym members or just people with drive and a goal are being short changed in their efforts. This is predominantly due to the majority of those in the industry looking more to how much they can get from them financially than how much they can assist them in pursuit of their goals

We intend to change that!
We are looking to raise the bar in the industry to such a height that others must follow.
Too many people either see Personal Training as an ‘easy gig’ or as the only option to follow to get into the industry. Our goal is to find those with a true passion, develop that passion, teach skill sets that actually matter and make the most of your presence in the industry, show you how to market yourself for longevity rather than the next pay-cheque and develop business skill-sets, not only in house, but in conjunction with public aid programmes.
So if you are currently a trainer, stuck in a dead end position in a large chain gym, someone who is just passionate about fitness but has never considered a career in it, or even someone who has fairly recently made a significant change in their health and fitness and want to find a way of being involved in spreading that new found feeling of energy and wellness, then this could be just what you need to inject that drive into your path within the fitness industry.
It’s a chance to break from the path that 90% of those in the industry seem to follow (get qualified, put out filers and business cards, wait, panic, lower their prices and deliver a poor quality service as they continue to panic – or similar) it’s a never ending cycle where no one benefits. We’ll be working with you to build your plan, build your story and build you to someone who will give the highest service possible and ensure your reputation is your number one bankable asset.
If you know anything about our company ethos you will know that our goal is always to provide the best service, the best facility, the best equipment, the best support and the best training to ensure that our clients are all able to make the most of their desire for change. Unfortunately this seems to be a level of ethics that is sorely lacking in the local industry, but we are going to change that together.
Once you complete the internship, if you show you have that level of desire and commitment and use the skills and tools we teach you to build a role for yourself at DCS, there will be a place for you in our team. Also, if you require further qualifications to keep you progressing, we will look to help you with that. Our current aim is to take the top performing interns and pay for the next level of their training, with partial contributions to others. However, this all depends on the level of achievement shown through the 3 months. If you perform at an extremely high level and have well and truly carved your place within our team and shown your value to the company, then we are likely to pay for your additional course work regardless.
In the end it will come down to you.
If you show your passion and a level of excellence, then you belong on our team and we will help you in any way we can to make the most of that.
But keep in mind, this is not going to be an easy ride. You will be working hard from day one and you will have a lot to learn.
You will be expected to learn about:
- Basic Physiology
- Movement Patterns
- Corrective Exercises
- Advanced Programme Development
- Group Training Techniques
- Hormonal Imbalances
- The effects of inflammatory food types
- Psychology of food and eating patterns
- The Functions of the brain and how they affect our relationship with food and exercise
- Nutritional Properties
There will be in house training, home study and of course practice, practice, practice.
There will also be marketing techniques, blogging, writing articles, making videos and much much more
Then there is the bread and butter stuff
The day to day running of the gym, basic admin, promotion and advertising options, social media, SEO, cleaning and maintenance procedures and of course training clients.
The truth is, this is going to be an enriching, but a very tough 6 months. And it is only likely to scratch the surface, but there will be an option to extend the process and continue to do so until you are at the level you need to be to be considered an expert in your field and have your niche carved out in the industry.
There is no guaranteed paycheque waiting for you from this. But if you follow this path and make the most of the opportunity, there is an audience waiting for you and the potential for an extremely successful career.
But keep in mind, you could also spend 6 months with us and have no position or client base waiting for you at the end of it. It’s unlikely, but it’s possible.
This is an opportunity to achieve something great and if you grab it with both hands and make the most of it, then you will already have set yourself head and shoulders above the rest of the local industry.
Our job is not to make you busy. It’s to make you credible and as such, to become amazing value for money regardless of price!
If you just want to be busy, then join the heard and follow the usual path. Join a large chain gym and work to set up your conveyor belt of clients where you are unable to give the high quality service you sought to give in the beginning because the system doesn’t allow it. And keep in mind, the average failure rate for those following that path is 70% within 2 years.
With us, there is a plan in place and a career path ‘of sorts’ laid out for you if you wish to continue your path with us beyond the 6 months.
Only if you are the right fit for our team and the ethos of the club in general.
If this long introduction hasn’t put you off, then you are already a step ahead of those who just search around for the quickest and easiest path, sending out the same letter and CV to every gym in their area or heading for the nearest location to do a course because ‘they’re all the same’ and they just want the qualification to start earning.
However, there are a few non-negotiable factors you must fit with before continuing:
You must speak perfect English. You don’t have to BE from the UK but as our client base is English speaking then you need to be proficient (that includes if you were born in the UK).
You have to live or be willing to move to within a 1hr travel distance from our facility (in Clydebank, less than 5mins from the West of Glasgow).
You have to work well as part of a team. No bitching or whining. Almost all issues are avoidable if there is a clear level of communication. If you have something to say, I will listen, you can be sure of that. But petty issues or any form of dissent and you’ll be out the door on the spot. We are here to create a positive impression and for that I want a positive team and I will not have it torn apart with the usual B.S. you see throughout the industry or in other professions.
You have to be willing to excel in what you do – you do not have to be perfect, I’m not expecting robots, but you have to look to deliver excellence in every area. Being part of our team doesn’t mean you have to be the best in the world at everything, but whatever level you are at, you have to strive to be better, to give more, to achieve more and to continue to grow with an appetite and a passion that has a positive influence on your life and that of everyone around you.
To apply for an internship, simply complete the following form.
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Once we have your responses you will be asked to come in and discuss them further (where needed) and we’ll go through the commitment level. Obviously this is fairly full on, so if you are 100% available for the full 6 months, so much the better. But it is understandable that an income from another source may be required until you move on from internship level to paid level. We will be looking to confirm the 20hrs you will be required to attend the gym each week at the start. At least half of these will be flexible for any one off circumstances that make it a problem, but the group lecture and mentoring days will be set in stone and will not be flexible after they are set.
This is an opportunity for a full career change, to get not only qualifications, but more importantly real world experience, feedback, testimonials and a chance to build your reputation level ready for the start of your career.