Dynamic Conditioning
If you are looking to improve your general fitness, burn off some excess fat and improve your general strength and performance levels, then our Dynamic Conditioning Sessions may be just what you are looking for.
It’s easy to get frustrated when you are putting in huge amounts of effort in order to make physical improvements.
Most fitness classes are simply ‘one size fits all’ generic workouts with no specific individual in mind.
With no thought put into your specific needs, how are you supposed to maximise your efforts?
Our Dynamic Conditioning Sessions are set out to match the needs of the individuals who attend. Therefore, to call them ‘classes’ would be to do them a disservice.
Each of our sessions are unique from each other, the reason being, those attending each session are not the same.
Before you ever step foot on the studio floor, we get background information on your fitness level, your goals and what you are looking for from us in order to help you achieve them. From that point onward, our sessions will be subtly adapted to incorporate your wishes.
Not only that, but throughout the sessions we will be monitoring your movement, strengths and weaknesses and these will also factor into your future sessions.
As a result, your progress will, inevitably, be more assured than in any other group training scenario.
So, if you are sick of being treated as a number; want the tailored approach of a personal training service, but without the price tag and if you feel that the energy of a small group would lift your enthusiasm to achieve more, then look no further and book yourself in today.

I’m not too fussed about my weight but my general body size was an issue, but that was before joining DCS. I’ve gone from XXL shirts and jumpers down to L, I’ve shrunk down from size 40 trousers to size 36 (and then back to 38 because the legs are too small), I’ve never been small, the last time I wore something that was a medium I was about 17 so I’m back to what I consider a normal size and I’ll be focusing on keeping that the case for the future.